Thursday, June 3, 2010

Woe is me and my TV

I have always watched a lot of TV. Even growing up when we only had 5 channels; I watched a lot of TV. And currently I am at what I like to call my zenith of television watching...that includes having a large HDTV with Tivo, streaming Netflix, and blu-ray player. For someone like me, this is a heaven of sorts. I hate commercials and I loathe that after a commercial they replay the last five minutes from before the commercial! I am definitely using my TV and its accessories to its fullest extent and maximizing my watching pleasure.

Or so I thought.  Just a few weeks ago our Series 3 HD Tivo bit the dust. I mean totally. I went into a slight panic and instantly wanted it fixed. I mean, what am I gonna do?? Blank screen. Tivo rebooting. Repeat. Oh My! Long story short, we had to buy a new one. Ok,'ll be worth it. They just came out with new Tivo Premiere, so we'll get the cheaper version of that. Done. The features on the Tivo Premiere are, in my opinion, kinda lame. Nothing worth really getting excited about. In fact, they took away a few things from the old one I liked! But that's for another time...The one thing that doesn't work now, is that it says my TV isn't 1080p, which THE FRONT OF THE TV SAYS 1080p so whatever. 1080i is fine. (At least that's what the Mr. says!)

But Time Warner still can't get their box to be totally combatible with mine, so now I only get about 1/4 of my HD channels. I never realized I was an HD snob until now. I resorted to recording an old episode of CSI (the real one, in Vegas) off a regular digital channel and pouted throughout the replay.  It's not the same. Nothing is really. I hope to have a new switch box (or whatever that thing is that's effing everything up) soon...but in the mean time...

The light on our TV is going out!! It's hard to see if it's night on TV, and it's only getting worse. Certain shows, like CSI, are shot in only dimly lit areas for the entire show. Come on! It's getting harder and harder to see...and painful to watch! Now, I realize these days few people have a light bulb like this in their TVs. So what? Our TV is old. But it's still awesome! Well, it was. Now it's a dark hole with more darkness and fewer channels by the day.

Luckily the bulb can be replaced, and getting a new TV will be a worry for another day. Don't get me wrong: I would l-o-v-e a new flat LCD thin panel TV to hang over the fireplace...but I'll stick with my old monstrosity for a few more years. Besides, after it gets fixed, it should be good as new! As for you, Time Warner, all your efforts to make you suck less have already fallen off. Thanks. Oh Comcast, where art thou?

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