Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This past weekend: Electricity Edition

Saturday July 10 was the birthday of Nikola Tesla, a quirky inventor from the late 19th century.  Maybe you've heard of a Tesla Coil? Or maybe electric cars from Tesla Motors? Don't fret if you haven't, you are probably in the majority. But nonetheless, the Mr. and I are avid fans of Tesla and pretty much anything involving electronics, so we headed out to the The Tesla Project put on by the lovely folks at the Pump Project art complex.
The entire complex was full of Tesla inspired creations. 

This painting is by Cody Scrogum of Twin Villain screen printing. It's entitled "Tesla vs Edison" and I like the dinky light bulb over Edison's head. I liked this design so much I wished there were some way I could take it with me....
And wouldn't you know...Twin Villain had all their screen printing supplies set up and ready to go!
After choosing our own shirts, a tiny pink baby's shirt appeared in the pile. I had to have it! Admitting they like a challenge, the guys worked on that tiny shirt for quite a while trying to figure out how to put a large scale design on a small shirt. It was decided to choose the side with Tesla only and try to center it on the shirt.

And behold, it came out looking awesome! Now my new baby niece can match her cool aunt & uncle on her first trip to TX! (in about 6 months)
 It was neat to watch the screen printing process. But it was unbelievable HOT!! Especially around their equipment...which was located pretty much outside.

Also among the images on the walls were blown up drawings that Tesla actually did himself. Inventions, applications, etc. Not all my pics turned out, but here's a peek:

I managed to grab a quick video of a Tesla coil in action, but I don't have it loaded yet. All in all, it was a very informative & unique experience and I am glad we braved the heat to go. 

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